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25.Feb.25 FAQ for the Flight Model Update  (10 评论)
Dear X4 players,

The long wait is over - the Flight Model Update (7.50) is now available! We want to thank everyone who participated in the beta, provided valuable feedback, and helped us identify and fix various issues. You have truly helped us a lot.

This update brings significant improvements to flight mechanics and physics, making ship handling more dynamic and distinct than ever before. To help you adjust, we’ve put together this FAQ.

Q: What is this update about?
A: This update introduces a wide range of improvements across the game (see full changelog), but the most significant change is the updated flight model. Ships now handle differently depending on their size, weight, and engine configuration.

Q: What has changed in the flight model?
A: The way ships handle has been completely reworked. The changes affect every aspect of flight, including acceleration, turning, boosting, and braking. Each ship and engine type now has more distinct flight characteristics, creating a more varied and immersive flying experience.

For example:
  • Small scouts and fighters remain nimble even at high speeds.
  • Fully loaded freighters and miners experience more drift due to their increased mass.
  • Large ships take longer to start moving in a new direction despite having high rotation speeds.
Q: How does flying feel different?
A: While ship mass, thrusters, and engines have always dictated how ships handle, they now do so more naturally and with fewer sudden changes in acceleration. There are more pronounced differences between engine types, manufacturers, and models, too.
  • Paranid: Fastest travel drives, and ships that fly almost like they are on rails, but much reduced manoeuvrability at high velocity.
  • Terran: Quickest travel drive charge-up time, very fast travel drive acceleration. Their ships are generally easy to use.
  • Split: Fastest regular engines, and just enough travel drive performance to intercept most targets. Their ill-controlled drifting is a challenge for rookie pilots though.
  • Argon: Very aggressive boosting that can offset their poor travel drive acceleration. Their combat ships benefit a lot from improved thrusters.
  • Teladi: Designed to outlast opponents in combat and haul efficiently at any distance.
  • Boron: The weakness of their regular engines can be offset by considered use of boosting and their pre-charged travel drives.
Q: Do I have to relearn how to fly?
A: While the core flight mechanics remain familiar, you may need to adjust to the new handling. Different engines now offer unique flight profiles, so experimenting with various configurations will help you find one that suits your playstyle the most.

Q: Can I revert these changes or get an engine that behaves like the old ones?
A: No, reverting is not possible due to the extensive changes to the flight model. However, certain engines offer handling similar to the previous iteration, so we recommend trying different types to find what you’re most comfortable with.

Q: Why does boosting no longer consume shields?
A: Boosting now has a separate energy bar, displayed around the speedometer. Engines determine boost duration and efficiency, so choosing the right one is important. Be careful, though, as NPCs also use this new boost system!

Q: What is the blue circle on my HUD?
A: That is the new Velocity Indicator, showing your ship’s actual movement direction. This is especially useful for ships that experience high drift, such as heavily loaded transports or those using powerful Split engines. It also comes in handy when flying with disabled Flight Assist.

Q: Has the Gravidar changed?
A: Yes! We've enhanced the Gravidar - it should be more readable now. The viewing angle has been improved, and far-away objects are now more visible. We also added a few more Gravidar modes that you can cycle [CTRL+M by default].

Q: What else does this update include?
A: The update expands the universe, refines mechanics, and enhances visuals. Key additions include:
  • New sectors, offering alternative connections between Boron and Terran space and the main universe.
  • Behaviour Inspection Mode, allowing for better management and troubleshooting of player-owned assets.
  • Radar Station Module, significantly increasing station radar coverage.
  • FSR3 and DLSS support, improving graphical performance.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements (see full changelog here).
Q: Is the Hyperion included in this update?
A: No, the Hyperion expeditionary ship is part of the X4: Hyperion Pack mini-DLC and is not included in the free 7.50 update. You can purchase the X4: Hyperion Pack on Steam and GOG.

Q: What happened to my X4: Timelines leaderboard ranking?
A: Due to the major flight model changes, the Timelines leaderboard has been reset. However, your progress in the Timelines story itself is unaffected. Previous rankings have been archived and can be viewed here.

Q: Do I have to start a new game for the Flight Model Update and the X4: Hyperion Pack’s contents to appear in my game?
A: No - the Flight Model Update, as well as the X4: Hyperion Pack, will integrate seamlessly into your existing game sessions, regardless of whether you were playing the beta, or one of the previous versions of the game.

Q: I’m a modder. Where can I find documentation on the new flight model?
A: Documentation on flight parameters for ships, engines, and thrusters is available on the XWiki. You can find it here.
posted by Gregory
20.Feb.25 《X4: 亥伯龙船包》和飞行模型更新 - 新纪元开始了!

? 飞行模型更新 - 全面革新飞船飞行动力学,让每一次操纵都比以往更加流畅、反应更加灵敏、更加身临其境。

? X4: 亥伯龙船包 - 新的 DLC,介绍传奇的亥伯龙船远征舰、新的游戏开始、新的星区等。

免费的 7.50 版更新进一步改进和增强了《X4:基石》,使其比以往任何时候都更具活力和沉浸感。对于那些希望支持《X4》持续发展的玩家,购买《X4: 亥伯龙船包》有助于我们推进未来的宏伟计划 - 甚至在 11 月《X4》七周年之际!


前所未有的飞行 - 飞行模型更新

飞行模型更新 彻底改变了您在《X4:基石》中驾驶飞船的方式,对飞船的操控性和平衡性进行了大量修改。每艘飞船都比以往更加流畅、反应更加灵敏、更加身临其境。

  • 全面革新的飞行物理学 - 完全改进了飞船控制和飞行路线,使移动更加自然和精确。
  • 提升机械改造 - 现在,助推器加速有了自己的专用能量池,可以在战斗和旅行中进行更具战略性的操作。
  • 优化重力雷达显示屏 - 增强的可读性和功能可为导航和作战提供更好的态势感知。
  • 新的行为检查模式 - 用于分析和调整舰船行为的新工具,让您能够诊断和解决舰队中舰船的问题。
  • 速度显示器 - 可视化速度显示,可帮助精确导航和进行狗斗。
  • 广域传感器阵列模块 - 新的雷达站模块增强了探测能力,提高了战略意识。
  • 画质优化 - 对图形引擎进行了重大改进,包括支持 DLSS 和 FSR 3,使空间视觉效果更加震撼。
  • 舰船重新平衡 - 游戏中的每艘飞船都经过了重新平衡,引擎、推进器和组件的相互作用都得到了改进。
  • 新星区 - 与Terran和Boron空间的额外连接,开辟新的贸易路线和探索机会。
  • 经济调整 - 改进贸易动态和资源流动,提高游戏内的经济效益。
如果您想深入了解飞行模型变化背后的数字,John Pritchett 提供了一份深入分析驱动此次更新的数学原理和计算的文件。约翰在文档中提供了有关该模型的信息,说明了该模型相对于其他飞行模型的独特之处,并举例说明了该模型在 X4 中的应用。如果您想探索新飞行模型背后的数学原理,可以查看他关于此主题的详细且技术性很强的文档 here (.pdf, 12MB)。

在此提醒您,如果您还没有看到 我们的新闻,我们与《星际公民》开发团队的前高级物理程序员 John Pritchett 合作,为本次飞行模型更新重新设计了飞船处理程序。

《X4: 亥伯龙船包》 - 指挥传奇
在飞行模型更新的同时,我们还隆重推出了《X4:亥伯龙船包》,这是一款全新的迷你 DLC,将传奇的亥伯龙船远征舰引入《X4:基石》。

亥伯龙船远征舰 - 在 X4 中重生的传奇战舰
全新任务链 - 通过激动人心、故事驱动的体验赢得亥伯龙船
新游戏开始 - 直接进入亥伯龙船的行动
新星区 - 未知空间等待您的探索
新音乐 - 丰富您的 X4 原声带的新曲目

资深 X 玩家一定还记得 《X3:重聚》的巴拉吉任务中的亥伯龙船,它很快就成为了系列游戏中最受玩家喜爱的飞船之一。现在,它以全新的分类-远征级-回归了。

? 快速、敏捷、强大
? 六座主炮和 M 型炮塔
? L 级屏蔽和发动机,经久耐用,速度快
? 增强船体导弹容量
? 可容纳三艘 S 级飞船的小型船坞(维修和补给能力)


立即在 Steam 获取《X4:亥伯龙船包》

购买此 DLC 有助于支持《X4:基石》的持续开发 - 未来还计划进行更多更新!


外交更新(2025 年末)
准备好通过我们即将推出的 外交更新 参与错综复杂的星际政治网络吧。这个免费的基础游戏扩展将引入以下内容:
  • 外交总部 - 一个新的设施,派系代表在此召开会议,提供战略选择。
  • 特工任务 - 部署特工执行独立任务,在 X 宇宙中实现外交目标。

探索更新(2026 年)
  • 新的异常点 - 探索神秘的异常点,通往充满独特秘密和挑战的隐藏区域。
  • 增强扫描机制 - 改进的远程扫描器功能使深空探索更有价值。
  • 多样化的任务 - 各种以探索为重点的新任务,奖励好奇心和冒险精神。

请查看我们 2024 年 11 月的完整路线图新闻,了解更多详情。

希望您喜欢今天我们为您带来的新内容,并一如既往地感谢您的反馈,因为我们将共同塑造《X4:基石》的未来。感谢您在这场史诗般的冒险中给予我们的支持,让我们在 2024 年创下了 近 11,000 名日均活跃玩家 的 X4 新纪录 - 哇哦!

posted by Gregory
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