
A short foreword...
We hope the New Year was a pleasant one for you and yours. Welcome to the next issue of X-News. As you will see again we have been able to obtain some exclusives just for you! Don't forget to keep in contact with us and also take note of the links and emails expressed in this issue. If you want an answer to a question about X2 that the forums cannot provide then remember we at X-News can get the answers faster than any other source! Email us and we will try our best to unearth the secrets held in the X2 vault :)
We will also publish your question with your name and the answer!
Have fun with X-News V !

When will X² go beta?
Probably the most frequently asked question...
Where is it?
Why is it taking so long?
Well we at X-Universe News can tell you that the feature list that is to be included in X2 – The Threat has continued to grow. While this is an exciting prospect for the game itself, it has meant that the beta test (to be released to Level 5 – NDA developers via the DevNet) has been put back again. There have been various 'Alpha' releases to Level 6 developers and others who need to test certain aspects (for example the multi-language features). The rolling demonstration that we released to you at Christmas was taken straight from that code.
As testing continues rest assured that the Alpha version will become Beta soon. It won’t be too long now.


Bala Gi A.I. Software Inc., Kingdom End, X-Universe
The ultimate software for your ship
M.S.C.I (Manual Ship Computer Interface)
Version 3.14.15
Ever wanted to have better control over your ship?
Ever wanted to manage and control your property with the latest technolgy?
Ever wanted to put your own implementations of tactics and artifical intelligence into your ship?
If yes, you have come to the right place! With M.S.C.I. you can modify the behaviour of your ships down to the finest detail.
- Equip your ships with different default behaviours, that are individually modifyable for every shiptype!
- Configure your own ship-type-dependent comm menu to assign your remote commands to your ships fast and efficently.
- It is also possible to give your ship an autopilot command while you jump into the turret to bug some split.
- Control the turrets of your destroyer and give them different tactics.
- You've got the possiblity to switch the M.S.C.I. to expert mode. Then you'll have access to the full power of this new Boron invention by utilising a simple scripting language! Create commands to assign routes to your ships or increase their fighting behaviour.
- If you write smart M.S.C.I. scripts you may gain profit by selling them to the highest bidder.
Soon in your X2-Universe.........M.S.C.I!

Additional material from X-Universe News team:
Wanna see what such a script looks like? No problem!

Fan Fiction
Reminder to all storywriters
Can we remind you again that anyone who wishes to have any of their fiction included in the game’s release to submit this to Steel. If you have any questions or queries about this please contact Steel directly who will be more than happy to answer your questions.
For more information also see X-Universe News 11/2001.

Engrave your ideas into X2
Now to the most exciting news! We at X-Universe News can reveal that a competition has been constructed so that you, the fans of the game can decide on the name and specification of one of the new ships in X2 – The Threat!
Yes that’s right! You can have your ideas forever written into the game itself by naming this ship.
What you need to tell us is:
Ship Name
Speed (basic) and maximum upgrade
Cargo (basic) and maximum upgrade
Max lasers
Max missiles
Max shield amount and strength
Short description on the ship itself
PLEASE read the following:
We do NOT accept specifications for an ultimate supership! The ship is still an M4 class medium fighter, it has been imporoved in SOME points only. Also try to stick to the fiction, have a look at paranid shipnames and think of one that fits into the scheme!
Simply answer the above questions and email them to X-Universe-News@Egosoft.com.
We will announce the winner(s) (one English speaking, one German) in the next issue of X-News.
To make it easier for you, we are happy to present another new ship:
The Boron Mako
The Mako is a Boron M4 class ship and the successor of the famous Piranha.
Technical data:
- Speed: 60 - 180 m/s
- Steering: 5 - 20%
- Cargo: 20 - 100 units
- Lasers: 1 * Gamma Particle Accelerator Cannon
- Missiles: Silkworm
- Shields: 2 * 5 MW
- Power Generator: 150 MW
Note: Neither ship 3D design nor the listed specifications are to be considered as 100% final! Changes are always possible!

Graphic Novel
Pirate's Gambit - Chapter 1
Another reminder for those that may have missed the fantastic opening chapter of Pirate's Gambit! The first X-Universe graphic novel. If you haven't seen this yet then you can download it here (2,79 MB). A fabulous concept brought to you from the Graphic Novel Team. They assure us that more is to come and it looks destined to join the other fiction on the game CD! A German language version is also rumoured to be in the making.

On one's own behalf
A note for the ShadowTeam from the X-Universe News Team. We are watching YOU! :)

Additional Contacts
EGOSOFT / Deutschland - info@egosoft.com
Editorship english:
Chris F. / Great Britain - cc_chris_f@hotmail.com (cc)
Editorship german:
Michael B., Nürnberg / Germany - burnit@nexgo.de (mb)
Contact the editorship:
Darren Astles - darren.astles@btopenworld.com (da)
Florian Bircher - unlogisch@gmx.ch (fb)
Translations and proofreading:
Herbert Hohenburger - hrh1000@hotmail.com (hrh)
Jonathan Handby - jphandby@hotmail.com (jh)
Peter Biner W. - pbw@nexgo.de (pbw)
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Former issues in the archive!
